Filming day at Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the Indy Car documentary "Rapid Response"
A Mile Away Productions is producing a d
ocumentary based on the book
by Dr. Stephen Olvey, "Rapid Response: My Inside Story as a Motor Racing Life-Saver."
Racing legend Mario Andretti smiles recalling good times on the racing circuit.
Project co-director and co-producer Michael Miles is shown an angle on
cinematographer Greg Waigand's camera LCD.
Mario Andretti shows the production team a video of a racing crash on his iPhone.
Racing legend Mario Andretti talks about his experiences and the ever present danger
on the race track.
Co-directors and co-directors Michael Miles (L) and Roger Hinze wait for A.J. Foyt
to arrive for his interview in Gasoline Alley.
Rick Mears talks about his experiences on the race track.
The documentary team, left to right: Dan Kremer (audio recording, Sound design
and Sound mixing), cinematographer Greg Waigand, and project co-directors and
co-producers Roger Hinze and Michael Miles talk strategy.